07 December 2011

[EN] Homeless and Jobless - We Are On The Move!

This is it, we are on the move! Our home settlement took place last Monday, and last Friday was my last day of work. We are now jobless and homeless. While this is a time of uncertainty, we are quite sure that it is required in order to be able to focus 100% on developing our project. We will be in Brazil in January 2012, and we can't wait for this moment to happen! Enjoy below an extract of the farewell message I sent to my whole company, on my last day of work. I hope the message has made some people think a bit deeper than usual.

Dear colleagues, today is my last day of nearly 5 years of employment with this company, and I wanted to share with everyone my feelings about it.

First, I have to say that deciding to leave this company was not an easy decision to make. I started as a software developer and evolved to take on the role of section lead, which I held until today. The years I spent here allowed me to grow both professionally and personally, especially the last ones during which I dealt more with people than machines, as they made me realize the power of relationships. The skills I acquired are invaluable and applicable well beyond a professional environment. So I am very thankful for whoever has worked with me, and for this company's culture, which I believe is based on healthy and ethical core principles.

I also wanted to mention that the end of my employment marks the end of a phase in my personal life, as my wife and I have decided to relocate to Brazil, to be able to reconnect with our families. This is actually the main reason for our decision - I am not leaving this company to find a better job somewhere else. I actually am still quite unsure of what my next employment will be. But what I am sure of is that our decision is sound and well thought of, as it was taken with our hearts. Moreover, moving and changing is always very positive, as it allows to refocus well on what is essential in life.


  1. All the best to you guys. You are brave. Enjoy your new life. Blessings, Axel.

  2. Thank you Axel, we need wishes and prayers! But at the same time we are confident that everything is already planned for us, and that we will just have to follow the path God lays out in front of us!
